首页 基础教育中学英语正文


  • 投稿Sun1
  • 更新时间2016-01-11
  • 阅读量676次
  • 评分4
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 摘 要: 本文以整体语言教学为理论依据,以选修六阅读材料为案例,探讨整体语言教学的阅读写作课教学模式。“读-说-写”的整体教学模式使学生紧扣已学语言知识和话题内容,培养学生整合信息和表达观点的能力。 
  关键词: 整体性教学 阅读写作课 设计实施 
  整体语言教学是一套关于语言教学的理论,教学强调语言的整体性,反对把语言肢解成音素、词素、词汇、语法等。它强调口头语言和书面语言之间的互动性及内在联系,认为在自然环境中,儿童书面语言能力的发展过程与口头语言能力的发展过程十分相似。因此,主张在教学的同时培养儿童的听、说、读、写能力。整体语言教学法广泛应用于外语教学等领域,语言学家K. Goodman(凯·古德曼)首先倡导整体语言教学(whole language approach or integrated whole language approach)。现在,整体语言教学这一术语可以用来描述合作学习、有学生参与的教学、以学生为中心的学习等教学方式,也就是说,它指在教与学的环境中开展与整体语言教学的教育哲理相符合的教学活动。 
  Rigg (1991)指出语言是一个整体,不应当被肢解成语音、词汇、语法、句型,把语言分割成一个个独立的成分, 会使语言丧失其完整性。Genesee (1994)持同样的观点,他强调语言教学应从整体入手,听、说、读、写是语言作为功能结构综合整体的有机组成部分。语言技能不应肢解为听、说、读、写,而应该同时教授。 
  本节课的教学内容是选修6 Unit 4 “Advice from Granddad”, 该文以一封信的形式呈现,爷爷晓之以理、动之以情地讲述自己的经历,建议孙子戒烟。文章是劝告信体裁,文中含有大量的信息,可以丰富学生的语料。 
  本单元Warming-up,reading,comprehending和 speaking部分都围绕“戒烟”这一话题展开,因此可以将以上内容整合在一起处理。把speaking 部分的任务变为Reading 部分后的一个扩展讨论,并在此基础上设计写作活动,使之紧扣已学语言知识和话题内容,培养学生整合信息和表达观点的能力,形成“读-说-写”的整体教学。 
  Step 1: Lead-in 
  1. Do you know someone smoking? 
  2. Why do you think some adolescents get addicted to smoking? 
  3. Do you know the harmful effects of smoking? 
  Step 2:Reading 
  Ⅰ. General Reading 
  Please read the title of the text and the headings within it(P18~19), and find out: 
  1. How many parts does the reading text consist of? 
  2. Who wr  本文由wWw.DyLw.NeT提供,第一论 文 网专业代写教育教学论文和论文代写以及发表论文服务,欢迎光临dYlw.nETote the letter? 
  3. What is the purpose of the letter? 
  Ⅱ. Find out the main idea of each part: 
  Find out the main idea of each paragraph. 
  Para1: the harmful effects of smoking 
  Para2: James’ granddad’s hope 
  Para3: James’ granddad’s recent life 
  Para4: the real reason for the letter  设计说明: 
  Ⅲ. Detailed Reading 
  Scan the letter and answer the questions 
  1.What kind of life does granddad live? 
  2.What is James problem? 
  Para 3 
  Three ways: 1.Firstly, you become _______ addicted to nicotine. 
  2.Secondly, you become addicted through __________ . 
  3. Lastly, you become _______ addicted . 
  Para 4 
  1. It does terrible damage to______________. 
  2. It was more difficult for smoking couples to ___________. 
  3. The babies may be smaller or even be ________. 
  3. It affects the health of __________________. 
  4. The smokers smell _________. 
  5. The ends of the fingers turn_______. 
  6. The smokers become __________quickly . 
  7. You are not enjoying _________ as much. 
  Scan the internet page and fill in the blanks 
  What suggestions does it give for smokers to quit smoking? 
  Choose a day that is not ______ to quit smoking, and make a list of all the ______you can get from stopping smoking. 
  ____ the list of benefits you wrote when you feel like smoking. 
  Do something else, go for a walk... 
  Try some deep_____ and do some____________. 
  Join a ___________, or talk to ___________. 
  Do not be ______if you have to try several times, and just again. 
  Ⅳ. Consolidation (group work) 
  1.In what way did the old man try to persuade his grandson to give up smoking? 
  2.True or false 
  His granddad’s girlfriend liked go out with him. 
  3.Did James’ granddad succeed in stopping smoking at last? How do you know that? 
  4.You will feel bad-tempered or even in pain without cigarettes because_____ 
  5.How many ways people can become addicted to cigarettes? What are they? 
  6.We know that Granddad wrote this letter_____(3 points) 
  A. in the morning B. at noon C. towards evening D.at night 
  Step 3:writing 
  1. Pre-writing (pair work) 
  To get Ss to make a dialogue with a partner about How to persuade sb. to quit smoking 
  To make sure: Who do you want to persuade? 
  And what is your suggestion? 
  Para5: the ways of becoming addicted