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关键词 高中英语;语言点;生态课堂

Ecological class style exploration of teaching language points in high school

Song Xiao li

【Abstract】Language points in high school are intended to develop students’ overall ability of listening, speaking, reading and writing skills. Nevertheless, teachers mainly focused on imparting knowledge traditionally. How to help the students understand the material in the book and apply it flexibly is the key to be dealt with. Based on high efficiency of ecological class, this passage explores the new style of teaching language points.

【Key words】High school English;Language points;Ecological class

语言点是语言能力的有机组成部分,是发展学生听说读写译的重要基础,也是语言交流能力的前提。语言点课堂教学即是指教师利用课堂时间向学生讲授教材中尤其是阅读文本材料中的重要语法句型、句式、语言结构、常用短语、交际常用语等内容。一直以来传统的教学模式是老师讲的满堂开花,学生听的昏天暗地。在新课改模式下,也有许多教师着重于词汇口头操练。这两种教学各有弊端,第一种“填鸭式”教学,容量大,学生吸收少,完成的只是老师的教学任务。第二种“口语操练式”教学很大程度上改善了学生在课堂上参与积极性,但学生课堂上能说课下不善于“做”题。从教10年来,笔者一直在不断完善各种课型的教学,总想能找到既让学生学的轻松又让教师教的省心的事半功倍的各种课型的教学模式,通过反复思考,不断完善和改进,我适应了我校一直以来倡导实践的生态高效课堂:生态高效课堂是在影响课堂教学效果的各要素之间的生态和谐与统一的基础上,取得在知识传承、社会化、个体发展、社会变迁各项教育功能上的高效能、高效率。在这里以高二模块7 Unit 4 Traffic accident and road safety “project”环节的语言点课为蓝本,与大家探讨这一教学模式。


同一个句子,同一篇作文要求,不同的同学会运用不同的表达;怎样才能让自己的句子脱颖而出,关键看你如何灵活自如的操控语言。在课堂刚开始,以翻译“交通事故每年造成很多伤亡, 因此在路上学会如何保护自己免受伤害很重要。”为导入。学生给出的答案有:S1:Traffic accidents cause many deaths and injuries every year, so learning how to protect yourself from danger on the roads is very important. S2:Traffic accidents result in many deaths and injuries, which reminds us to protect ourselves from the dangers on the roads.不同的学生会造出不同的句子,其思维的广度、深度会不同。这一方式引导学生感受语言的美。这种启发式、开放式的导入能为所有的学生提供展示平台,畅所欲言,而非枯燥的完成老师的教学任务,这与生态高效课堂研究中倡导的生态高效课堂是多元与异质、开放与生成的发展性课堂理念不谋而合。


高二下期,学生已学完了高中阶段基本的语法、常见的短语,因此完全有能力进行自我梳理;另外,高中阅读课文长, 难度大, 抽象概念内容多, 形象思维内容少,语法现象较复杂。因此, 对学生来说, 自主学习是及其重要的。如果学生在老师上课前对教学内容全然不知,那么学习肯定是被动的, 教师讲解什么, 学生就听什么; 教师演示什么,学生就看什么。这样的学习有什么主动性呢?10分钟的自主学习能保证学生较好得完成自学任务,以下教学才能四两拨千斤。当然学生预习时,要给予指导,提出自学目标。如这堂语言点课的自学任务是划出已学词组短语;找出课文中新出现的短语;重点查阅单词distinction的用法。10分钟的自学之后,学生完成以下任务。

S1:①arise from =result from②be aimed at

③increase people’s knowledge of sth. =give people a better understanding of sth.

④be aware of =realize⑤be true of

S2:①have a responsibility to do sth.②in connection with =related to③fine…for…

S3: distinction

have the distinction of…享有……的美誉of great distinction卓越的

make/draw a distinction 区分,区别对待make no distinction 不予区分

发散思维: distinct不同的,清晰的, instinct 本能,天性extinct 灭绝的,绝迹的




1. Many cyclists fail to pay attention to the cars that surround them , and often ride too close to cars to allow them space and time to stop.

2. Some cyclists make the assumption that traffic laws do not apply to them.

步骤二: 模拟句型结构造句

①Sb. fail to do sth……and often do sth…很多人不注重……而且经常还……


S1:Many students fail to pay attention to their learning methods and often stay up, allowing them little time to rest and relax.

S:2:Many students fail to finish the teachers’ task on time and often copy other’s work, making them weak and weak in study.

②…make the assumption that …. ……错误的认为……


S1:Some students make the assumption that learning is to finish their teachers and parents’ task.

S2: Some people make the assumption that beauty means being slim.

四、 知识输出




S1: Traffic development has brought us great convenience, together with the number of road accidents and the death arising from those accidents. We must be aware of the potential causes of traffic accidents and act to prevent them. This is true of everyone as accidents affect drivers of vehicles as well as cyclists and pedestrians.

To prevent traffic accidents, drivers should first pay attention to surrounding traffics and never speak on mobile phones while driving; let alone drinking and speeding. Secondly, cyclists should pay attention too and they should keep their bike in good condition. What’s more, road safety is important for pedestrians as well. They should be cautious and remember to look both ways and listen for cars that they might not be able to see. At last, pedestrians, cyclists and drivers should all obey traffic lights, stopping when the light is red and waiting for it to turn green to go.

It is up to all of us road users to make sure that we avoid accidents by paying attention to road safety.



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[1]中华少年 2012(上) 2012年总第7期/189

[2]杰拉尔德?G.马尔腾,人类生态学:可持续发展的基本概念 商务印书馆2012-01-01

[3]范国睿, 教育生态学[M]  人民教育出版社  2000