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  • 投稿美少
  • 更新时间2015-09-04
  • 阅读量870次
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关键词 完整 句子 成分 谓语 动词

众所周知,所有的语言都是有功能分段的: 口语中表现为话语的顿或停,语气及语调的轻重或升降;书面语则反映在标点符号上。在实际英语教学中,标点符号往往被许多教师一带而过甚至忽略不计。笔者认为这对学生对语言的学习理解的深度是大有影响的。标点符号无疑是构筑语言的重要骨架,明确标点在英语中的使用规律必将大大帮助学生了解这门语言的结构特点。教师在教学中应帮助学生从宏观上把握这门语言的建构方式--既英语标点符号的具体使用规律,从而让学生在英语学习中收放自如,无论从整体还是局部都能更好地理解和把握英语。

在高中英语教学中,常见的标点符号有逗号 “,”、句号 “.”(英语中的句号是用实心圆点来表示的) 、引号 “ ”、分号 ”;”、冒号 “:”、破折号 “____”、问号 “?”和叹号 “!”。当然也有省略号 “——“和 单引号”。本文笔者重点旨在探讨对句号,逗号,分号,冒号和破折号的使用情况,这几种标点在学生阅读和写作中最常见,也是最容易混淆的。



He went to Qingdao last week.

Walking has always been good exercise.

The teacher told us an interesting story.

What I need is more practice.

I don’t know when he will come.

Chinese is being learned by more and more people all over the world.

(You)Get out!

Did you use to play soccer?

一个句子中必须要有完整的谓语动词(上文例句下划线部分),即句子中的动词形式和结构要完整规范。完整性是指英语中谓语动词要反映各种时间关系,不同时间发生的动作表现在英语中成为各种不同的时态或语态形式,如will + v 表示动作发生在将来;have/has + v-ed 表示动作发生在过去,但影响到了现在。(另外,动词也存在主谓一致的问题;例如,have的主语成分是第一、二人称或复数概念,而has前的主语形式则需要单数第三人称。这里不再累述)只要句子中存在了这样完整的动词形式,我们就可以称其为完整的句子,就可以使用句号了。教师必须要让学生明白谓语动词的功能分类: 行为动词和联系动词。绝大多数动词都是行为动词;如,sing, dance, come, go, jump等。还要帮助学生理清及物动词和不及物动词的意义。联系动词主要说明主语是什么,有什么特征;即联系动词是用来定义主语的;如appear, see, remain, get, become等。


1.1 在叙事性句子的结尾使用句号

Most middle school students in China ride bikes to school.

We can be successful if we make efforts.

1.2 命令,指令

Hand in your homework no later than noon on Friday.

In case of fires, leave the building immediately.

1.3 在间接问句的结尾

The teacher asked why Maria was late again.

My father wants to know weather I really enjoy collecting stamps.

1.4 缩写字之后。

Dr. Espinoza arrived from Washington, D.C., at 6 p.m.

Did you enjoy living in Washington, D.C.?



2.1 逗号用来分割句中具有相同功能的系列成分

My favorite uses of the Internet are sending e-mail, surfing the Web, and using chat rooms.

Willy used a hammer, saw, and nails in his work.

2.2 使用逗号和对等连词(也叫并列连词后面)分割两个独立句

英语中有且只有七个对等连词(and, but, or, nor, for, yet, so) 。对等连词前大都使用逗号。当然使用率最高的是and 和but。

I went home, but my brother stayed at the party.

My parents insists that I choose music as my major in college, but I like gymnasium better.

He has to prepare for the job interview, so he is busy surfing the internet searching for some useful information.

2.3 逗号常用来分割句子的引导或介绍性成分

Hello, what’s this?

In the summer of 2008, nearly half the coastal cities in the south were flooded.

Anxious about the upcoming examination, most students stay up nearly every day.

2.4 逗号用来分割同位语或插入性等成分

The man, a very old one, walked slowly away.

Sarah, our new classmate, talks a mile a minute.

Please, sir, can you loan me a quarter?

Okay, Rebecca, you can have your own way.

Please, can I have my motorcycle back?

Robert Frost, perhaps America’s most beloved poet, died when he was 88.

Excuse me, but there are, of course, many points of view that we must consider before voting.

Some animals only half-hibernate,that is to say,their sleep is not such a deep one.

2.5 分割直接引语

“We can’t see into the future,“ said the President, “but we have to prepare for it nonetheless.“

“Well, Juanito,“ she said, “I guess the answer is yes.“

“I know,“ he said, “ thank you for reminding me.“

2.6 分割城市国家日期等具体到抽象由近及远的单位名词前

The meeting was originally to be held in Beijing, China, but was then shifted to Tokyo, Japan.

She was born in January1, 2000.

I live at 302, Main Street, ZiBo.

The Yangtze river, the longest river in china, runs through most of the provinces in the south.

2.7 分割同类并列性的形容词

The designs for an expensive, modern gym should make them happy.

They used to live in a small, dark room.

此时的”,“也可以用并列连词and替换 (不过要注意,形容词用不同属性修饰其管辖的名词时,就不可以使用逗号A little old house 就不可以写成 A little, old house)


1.分号主要用来分割两个并列分句,起到并列连词的作用,作用相当于(and, but, or, nor, for, yet, so)

Grandma stays up too late; she’s afraid she’s going to miss something.

We live in the east; they live in the west.

The chemistry lab exploded; Professor Garcia was fired.

2. 有时分号跟关联作用的副词如however, moreover, therefore, nevertheless, consequently, as a result等连用。

He spoke for hours; however, he made no sense.

There are more people rushing to settle in other countries; however, few are satisfied with their future life.

Mr. Brown was down with the flu;therefore,he couldn’t come to the party.


This fall I won’t have to work on Labor Day, September 7; Veterans’ Day, November 11; or Thanksgiving Day, November 26.

The committee included Peter Wursthorn, Professor of Mathematics, from Marlborough, Connecticut; Virginia Villa, Professor of English, from Hartford, Connecticut; Paul Creech, Director of Rad-Tech, from Essex, Connecticut; and Joan Leach, Professor of Nursing, from Farmington, Connecticut.

